Generic Device Control & Automation
Control devices by using most common standard network protocols
Put your items into categories and cascaded lists
Manual and scheduled execution of actions
Alerting in case of errors
Create Rule-based Workflows
Main Page
Action Menu
Scheduled Items
Connection Parameters for HTTP
Definition of Workflow
Category Selection
Protocol Selection
Main Features
Creation of Categories, Push Buttons, Toggle Buttons, Sliders, Chat Entries
Distinction between:
Execution of an Item (with or without returned result)
Request of the Item State (can regularly be retrieved automatically)
Result view via:
Traffic lights
Text result based on best rule execution result or returned raw data
Special detailed view of returned raw data, protocol state, rule result and any intermedieate processing result (e.g. before and after java script execution)
Support of standard protocols:
Bluetooth (RFCOMM, GATT)
HTTP, HTTPs (Get, Post, Put, Delete, Head, ...)
Addtional execution of
Playing of Audio Files:
Local Audio files, either a selected one or random select, per each play
Url Play of e.g. Radio stations
Shell files on the operating system as pre-execution of any call outside
Execution of items via speech recognition
Free definition of communication destinations per each item
Header Parameters
Starting parameters
Time out
Number of blocks to be received
End sequence to wait for
Setting/unsetting of Favorites
Object Export/Import
Namespace Ownership of items with signature check during import
Import and usage of own icons or pictures
Flexible scheduling of items for automated execution
Rule based workflow (e.g. different item execution in case of success or error of the predecessor item execution, or based on different values that are returned from the predecessor execution)
Currently supported languages: English/German
Completely own creation of new items
Namespace and Signature handling to proof the ownership of exchanged items. Original items cannot be changed, if not created within own namespace, or within default namespace