Generic Device Control & Automation: Connection Monitoring
Connection Monitoring & Control: Main Features
You can define whether to block or allow new connections and item executions via default settings, or for special items to execute
Connection Monitoring&Contol for the Execution of Connection Types:
Default handling for different Connection Types:
Always Allow for the connection type
Allow, but show new item executions for later decision
Block, but how new item executions for later decsion
Always Block
Overrule the Default Handling per each used connection:
Always Allow this Item Execution and connection
Always Block this Item Execution and connection
Always follow the default, for later explicit decicion
Get Information about last item execution using this connection:
Last Execution date
Last Execution blocked or allowed
Overall Number of Executions
Connection established via either a maintained connection, or via overwriting within an optional Java Script execution
Connection Monitoring & Control: Show defaults, individual settings and statistics